viernes, 11 de febrero de 2011

Unidad 1. Uso apropiado del diccionario

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Getting started - Cell phone & service guide

Cell phones are evolving to allow faster texting, Web surfing, GPS navigation, and social networking while keeping up with their day job--voice calling. Smart phones such as the iPhone are leading the charge. Thanks to their computer-like operating systems, they can run all types of applications, from Twitter to games, restaurant guides, shopping assistants, and more. Conventional cell phones aren't gathering dust, though. Many of the newest models have large displays, keyboards, and Internet capabilities. Their e-mail and applications aren't as robust as a smart phone's, but they're less complicated to use. And there still are phones with fewer bells and whistles for users with more straightforward needs.
Before you set out to buy a phone, though, consider the service provider. Service providers determine which phone models work on their networks. So when you're replacing your phone, use this cell phone guide to help you decide whether you'll stay with your current  cellular service carrier or switch to a new one. Major carriers rely heavily on two incompatible digital networks. Sprint and Verizon networks use mainly Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) technology, while AT&T and T-Mobile use Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) technology. All of those carriers also support high-speed data networks. The network plays a big part in the capabilities your phone will have and, to some extent, its performance.

Texto extraído del articulo:

Gathering: [:ing] s. [collection]  recolección  f; [assembly] asamblea, reunión

Straightforward: [-for´werd] adj. [direct] directo; [honest] sincero

Whether: [hweth´er] conj. [if] si; [for alternatives] sea … o ~or not de todos modos

Sustantivos: Cell phones, Service providers, carriers, networks.
Adjetivos:  faster, large, robust.
Adverbios: mainly , heavily.
Verbos: are, keeping up, run, have, buy.
Conjunciones:  and, as. 
Preposiciones:  to, of, from, for.
Artículos: the, a, some.
Prefijo incompatible, replacing.
Sufijo:  navigation, provider, heavily.
Cognados falsos:
Cognados verdaderos:  navigation, social, applications, service, System, communication, Division.

El texto trata sobre las consideraciones que un usuario debe tener al momento de decidir que tipo de teléfono celular requiere y de los beneficios que las compañías telefónicas son capaces de ofertar. Todo debido a la tecnología en las cuales esté basada el servicio de tecnología y la infraestructura que posean.

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